Lauren Teuschler

Lauren Teuschler

Lauren Teuschler is a proud FHSD parent and alumnae. She received her Bachelors in Education from Bowling Green State University and Masters from Xavier University. She started her education career in FHSD where she served as a teacher for ten years and a Special Education Case Coordinator for three.  In her time as a staff member, she served in various teacher leader roles such as Ohio Resident Mentor Teacher, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Leadership Team, Hope Squad Advisor, Department Head, and Building Leadership Team Member. 

Lauren currently works as the Education Resource Specialist for the Center for the Advancement of Team Science, Analytics, and Systems Thinking (CATALYST) at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.  She has found that she has a passion for helping teams collaborate to create and innovate systems on a large and small scale to better serve their stakeholders. She volunteers as a mentor and sponsorship chair for the Anderson Athletes as Leaders Program, for various local animal rescues, and most recently, as part of the Forest Hills 5K team.  While volunteering for the FH5K she came to truly appreciate all that FHFE does and can do to support the district.  After all that FHSD has given Lauren, she feels immense gratitude hopes to give back in ways make an impact for all FHSD students.

FHFE is a non-profit organization that raises funds to support programming to enrich the educational experience of Forest Hills School District (FHSD) students and prepare them to compete successfully now and in the future.
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