The Forest Hills Foundation issued its first call for applications for the PTO/PTA Community Grants in January 2023. The grants are intended to promote wellness, provide innovative opportunities for learning, and create community connections for all students.
Congratulations to the 2024 Recipients!
$16,629 awarded for 7 New Projects!
$3,844 to the Sherwood Elementary PTO to build a permanent seating structure at Sherwood. The structure will provide a gathering space for students and teachers for outdoor learning and interaction. The structure will also provide a safety barrier at the student loading zone. Sherwood anticipates all 700+ students at Sherwood will benefit from the structure. The Sherwood PTO will be responsible for maintaining the project beyond initial funding. Check Presentation: Sherwood PTO Meeting
$500 to Nagel Middle School to support the creation of a mural in the Nagel choir room. The student-led project will create a music-themed mural to reinforce learning through art and inspire the 250 Nagel musicians. FHFE funding will partially support the project and the Foundation will encourage that a student artist (not a professional artist) design the mural. The Nagel administration will approve the final design of the mural.
$2,200 to the Anderson and Turpin PTOs provide yard signs to recognize graduating seniors in the district. In the past, only seniors whose parents were willing and able to pay for the signs were recognized. This project will ensure all 600 seniors are celebrated by the community. The PTOs will be responsible for sustaining the project in future years.
$300 to Ayer Elementary PTO to support five teams (20 students) to participate in the Destination Imagination tournament. FHFE is providing transitional support as the PTO builds the cost of Destination Imagination into future budgets.
$5,785 to Anderson High School to purchase computers for the school newspaper class. The student-led request will enhance students’ capacity for photo editing and design to produce the student-created Raptor Report. The Anderson newspaper is read online by more than 1,000.
$500 to Nagel Middle School to build a kiosk sign for the Nagel bike park. The student-led project will create signage on the trails and terrain of the bike park to encourage hundreds of students to use the park each year. The sign and trail will be maintained by the PTO and boosters.
$3,500 to the Nagel PTO to support the launch of a Dance Team for 7th and 8th graders. The Dance Team will perform at Nagel pep rallies and sporting events and help grow the dance programs at Anderson and Turpin. FHFE will provide partial support to cover start-up costs for recruiting a coach and choreographer. The Dance Team students and families will fundraise to cover the remaining expenses. Once creates, the Dance Team will become a sponsored activity by Nagel.
Congratulations to the 2023 Recipients!
$19,000 awarded for 5 New Projects!
$10,457 to the Nagel Middle School PTO to create an outdoor space to support the implementation of recess by installing shaded seating and basketball hoops. The project will support the physical, social, and emotional wellness of students by creating space for peer interaction, a mental break, and physical activity. All students at Nagel will benefit from the outdoor space. The Nagel PTO has already allocated $10,000 for the outdoor space through its student-led grant project. FHFE’s investment will allow the project to be completed.
$7,000 to the Mercer Elementary PTO to install sensory-focused play equipment on the Mercer campus, which will allow integrated and accessible physical play and learning for the Forest Hills Extended Services Classrooms (ESC) and Mercer traditional students K-6th Grade. The project will remove physical, social, and emotional barriers that prevent ESC and traditional students from full peer-to-peer engagement. Mercer anticipates that 700 students will be impacted by the project. FHFE’s investment will match the $7,000 already raised by the Mercer PTO. The PTO will continue to raise additional funds to support this effort.
$1,000 to the Mercer Elementary PTO to create an instructional garden to expand students’ learning. Teachers will use the garden to enhance students’ learning in science, math, art, and more. All students at Mercer will have the opportunity to benefit from the garden. FHFE’s investment will support the establishment of the garden. The PTO will raise additional funds to maintain the garden.
$500 to the Mercer Elementary PTO to support a pilot program to transport Mercer students to the Boys and Girls Club. The Boys and Girls Club provides a safe, enriching space for children at no cost to families. The project supports the wellness of students by providing after-school care, social interaction, tutoring, and other support. Mercer anticipates that 15 students will be impacted through the pilot and hopes to garner additional support from the community to sustain the program.

The Foundation connects students to resources designed to help them prepare for the college of their choice.
College Essay Writing Workshop
Registration is now open for the 2023 College Essay Writing Workshop.
Thursday, June 1
Nagel Middle School
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
FHFE and Riverbend Education Solutions, LLC are providing an opportunity for rising high school seniors to attend a four-hour workshop devoted to brainstorming essay topics and developing relevant essay structure. The goal of the workshop is for each student to leave with either a solid outline or first draft of a main personal statement and have the tools to develop more. The workshop is held in June and current Anderson HS and Turpin HS rising seniors can register in the Spring.