Nagel After School Enrichment and Tutoring
The Nagel 24/7 program provides after-school computer access, tutoring and enrichment every Tuesday & Thursday for Nagel Middle School students. The Foundation pays for the teachers’ stipends and the cost of the buses to transport students home.
Since the 2017-18 school year, the Foundation has also paid the teacher stipend for the Nagel NEXT coordinator, to assist with after-school activities. Students participating in after-school clubs can also use the buses we provide.
The need: Middle school is a critical transition time for students, who often require additional emotional and academic support. The after-school program gives them a supervised environment between the end of the school day and when their parents return home from work. Students can also receive extra tutoring from a certified teacher on subjects with which they may be struggling. In addition, for those students that do not have computers at home, computer access allows them to do the research they need to complete assignments. A key component of this program is the bus transportation home because it allows more students to participate.
Results: During the 2021-22 school year 153 unique students attended the 24/7 tutoring program. Approximately 460 unique students participated in Nagel NEXT clubs and 204 utilized bus transportation. Bus access helped approximately 45% of participating students access clubs and 24/7. Students and parents alike have commented that it is an important part of the academic support they receive.