The Foundation connects students to resources designed to help them prepare for the college of their choice.
College Essay Writing Workshop
Registration is now open for the 2024 College Essay Writing Workshop.
Thursday, May 30
Nagel Middle School
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Creating authentic essays is challenging as college-bound students prepare for the college application process. Providing time and space for students to start work on essays early in the summer should better prepare students to meet application deadlines and reduce stress.
Riverbend Education Solutions, LLC provides an opportunity for rising Turpin and Anderson High School seniors to attend a three-and-half hour workshop on Thursday, May 30, from 12pm to 3pm. The workshop is devoted to brainstorming essay topics and developing relevant essay structures. The College Essay Guy™ and WOW Writing Workshop provides most activities and tools. The workshop’s goal is for each student to leave with either a solid outline or the first draft of a main personal statement and have the tools to develop more. The cost of the workshop is $30 and space is limited.
The workshop is facilitated by Abigail Whited, owner of Riverbend Education Solutions, LLC. Abigail is an Independent Education Consultant who guides families through the college search and admissions process.