Geneva Taylor

Geneva has lived in Anderson Township for six years and is the parent of a Turpin graduate. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from LaSalle University in Philadelphia, where she grew up, and has a master’s and Ph.D. in Quantitative Psychology from the University of Virginia. She is currently the Director of Data Analytics and Insights at Shapiro + Raj, a market research consultancy. Geneva enjoys exploring how people behave and why, using the best statistical/analytical tools and approaches. Geneva also manages a small real estate investment portfolio with her husband.

After prior years of volunteering at her oldest daughter’s schools in Virginia, Geneva looks forward to the expanded opportunity to support her local schools. When not working or being wild with her family, Geneva enjoys puzzles, horror movies, and exploring and cultivating natural spaces. Geneva and her husband, Chris, have a rising FHSD kindergartener and a preschooler at home, in addition to their Turpin graduate.