Destination Imagination (DI) is a national program in which students compete in teams of 3 to 7 students to:
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- Learn higher order analytical skills including creative thinking, critical thinking and collaborative problem solving
- Experience the creative process while working together in a group setting
- See that learning is FUN
- Identify, celebrate and develop their strengths through team building
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The Foundation pays the cost of Destination Imagination teams at the six elementary schools and Nagel, and will expand to the high schools as existing teams move up. These costs include team manager materials, entrance fees for the regional, state and global tournament, and partial transportation costs for state and global tournaments. In 2018-19, the Foundation funded 30 teams, including the Wilson elementary team pictured that advanced to the state tournament.
DI teams are led by adult volunteer team managers. If you are interested in starting a team at your child’s school, click here.
For more information about this wonderful program go to the Destination Imagination website.