
The opportunity to donate your time and talent is available by serving on one of our core teams, which include:

Alumni Engagement


Community Outreach

Raise & Manage Funds

Become a Volunteer

    We also need volunteers for the programs and events we host. Currently they include:

    • The Forest Hills 5k Run/Walk in May
    • Denim & Diamonds Fundraiser and Party in the Fall
    • The Distinguished Alumni and Staff Luncheon in the Fall
    • FHFE Board Member

    Or, if you are an Anderson or Turpin graduate, you can be involved by joining one of our alumni associations, Anderson Alumni  or Turpin Alumni.

    Interviewing Skills training

    If you are interested in volunteering on any of these teams or events please Contact:

    Stacy Gillard at sgillard@fhfe.org or call (513) 316-5711